QR Code Statistics 2024: Global Adoption & Use Cases (July Updated)

QR (Quick Response) codes have become an integral part of our daily lives, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. These two-dimensional barcodes enable businesses to provide contactless solutions for information sharing, payments, and more. In this blog post, we will delve into some interesting statistics surrounding the widespread use of QR codes and their impact on various industries

Number of smartphone users in the United States who used a QR code scanner on their mobile devices from 2020 to 2025

Number of smartphone users in the United States who used a QR code scanner on their mobile devices from 2020 to 2025

Global QR Code Usage

qr code coupon code usage

According to a study by Statista, the number of QR code coupon redemptions reached 5.3 billion in 2020, and it is predicted to surpass 11 billion by 2022 [1]. This significant growth highlights the increasing adoption of QR codes as a means of communication and interaction between businesses and consumers.

QR Code Payments on the Rise

Mobile payment services like Apple Pay and Google Pay have also embraced QR codes for quick and secure transactions. A report from Juniper Research shows that the value of QR code payments reached $2.1 trillion in 2021 and is projected to exceed $2.7 trillion by 2025 [2]. This surge in QR code-based transactions indicates a shift in consumer preferences towards contactless payment methods.

QR Codes in Retail and Marketing

qr codes in retail marketing with business card

A study by MobileIron revealed that 74% of consumers in the United States have used QR codes to complete a transaction or obtain information  Moreover, 32% of these consumers use QR codes at least once a week. This growing usage emphasizes the importance of QR codes in retail and marketing strategies, especially in a post-pandemic world.

Impact on the Restaurant Industry

With social distancing measures in place, restaurants have turned to QR codes to facilitate contactless menus and ordering systems. Data from a Toast survey reveals that 56% of restaurant owners and managers in the United States are using QR codes for digital menus and ordering [4]. This trend is likely to continue even after the pandemic, as businesses and consumers adapt to the convenience of digital interactions.

QR Code Scanning Software Adoption

As QR code usage becomes more prevalent, the need for scanning software is also on the rise. A survey conducted by Deloitte found that 70% of smartphone users have downloaded a QR code scanning app. This suggests that businesses investing in QR code technology can expect a majority of their target audience to be equipped with the necessary tools for engagement. QRcode.co.uk is also popular QR code generator software for uk companies.

Other QR Code Statistics You Should Know

QR Code Usage By Country

In recent years, QR codes have experienced a significant surge in adoption, with both developed and developing countries embracing this technology.

Below are some key QR code statistics from various countries to provide a clearer perspective:

United States

  • A June 2021 US survey revealed that 45% of participants had utilized a marketing QR code at least once within a three-month period. Additionally, 54% of individuals aged 18-29 and 48% aged 30-44 had used a marketing QR code. (Statista)
  • The number of US households scanning QR codes increased from 9.76 million in 2018 to 11 million in 2020. (Statista)
  • 27.95% of American consumers concur, while 18.8% strongly believe that QR code usage has risen following the pandemic. (Statista)
  • US smartphone QR code scanner users are projected to grow from 83.4 million in 2022 to 99.5 million in 2025. (Business Insider)


  • Although QR codes originated in Japan, China was the first country to recognize and extensively implement their potential. QR codes are now an integral part of daily life in China.
  • Over half of China's population interacts with QR codes multiple times per week. (Packaging Insights)
  • Chinese users engage with QR codes 10-15 times daily. (Go Click China)
  • In 2020, China registered QR code transactions totaling $5.5 trillion. (Go Click China)


  • The rapid expansion of digital payments and UPI platforms in India has significantly contributed to the country's exponential QR code adoption.
  • More than 9 million merchants in India accept payments via QR codes. (Mobile Transaction)
  • The UPI interface, which allows users to make bank payments using QR codes, logged 2.8 billion transactions valued at INR 5 trillion in June 2021. (Statista)


  • Europe has been slower to adopt QR codes compared to other regions, but it is swiftly integrating QR codes for payments and other applications.
  • 86.66% of UK and European smartphone users have scanned a QR code at least once in their lives. (Martech Alliance)
  • 36.40% of smartphone users scan a minimum of one QR code per week. (Martech Alliance)

QR Code Usage By Use Cases

QR code statistics can be categorized based on various use cases, including payments, marketing, information sharing, and authentication. Here are some key statistics for each of these use cases:

QR Codes in Payments:

  • In India, more than 9 million merchants accept QR code payments (Mobile Transaction).
  • In 2020, China recorded $5.5 trillion in QR code transactions (Go Click China).
  • The UPI interface, an Indian payment system that utilizes QR codes, processed 2.8 billion transactions worth INR 5 trillion in June 2021 (Statista).

QR Codes in Marketing:

qr codes in marketing usage
  • In the US, 45% of respondents in a June 2021 survey had used a marketing QR code at least once within a three-month period. Furthermore, 54% of respondents aged 18-29 and 48% aged 30-44 had used a marketing QR code (Statista).
  • 86.66% of smartphone users in the UK and Europe have scanned a QR code at least once, with 36.40% scanning at least one QR code per week (Martech Alliance).

QR Codes in Information Sharing:

  • QR codes are commonly used to share information, such as product details, website links, and contact information. However, specific statistics regarding information sharing via QR codes are limited.
  • A general statistic indicates that over 50% of the Chinese population uses QR codes several times a week, which includes information sharing purposes (Packaging Insights).

Authentication and Security:

  • QR codes are increasingly being used for authentication purposes, such as in contact tracing apps or for verifying event tickets. While specific statistics are scarce, the growing use of QR codes for these purposes is evident in various industries and sectors.

In summary, QR codes have found extensive application across various use cases, such as payments, marketing, information sharing, and authentication. Although specific statistics for some use cases are limited, the overall adoption of QR codes has been rising in recent years.

QR Code Adoption in Healthcare

The healthcare industry has seen a significant uptick in the use of QR codes, especially for patient management and information dissemination. According to a report by HIMSS, 60% of healthcare providers in the United States have integrated QR codes into their patient management systems by 2023. QR codes are being used for patient check-ins, accessing medical records, and even for contactless payments for medical services.

QR Codes in Education

Educational institutions are also leveraging QR codes to enhance learning experiences. A survey by EdTech Magazine found that 45% of schools and universities in the United States have adopted QR codes for various purposes, such as accessing digital textbooks, submitting assignments, and even for virtual campus tours. This trend is expected to grow, with projections indicating a 30% increase in QR code usage in education by 2025.

QR Codes in Real Estate

The real estate sector has embraced QR codes for property listings and virtual tours. According to the National Association of Realtors, 35% of real estate agents in the United States used QR codes in their marketing strategies in 2022. This number is expected to rise to 50% by 2025, as QR codes provide a convenient way for potential buyers to access property details and virtual tours instantly.

QR Code Security and Authentication

QR codes are increasingly being used for security and authentication purposes. A report by Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the use of QR codes for two-factor authentication (2FA) will grow by 40% by 2025. This is due to the ease of generating and scanning QR codes, making them a secure and user-friendly option for verifying identities and accessing secure information.

According to Uniqode's QR Code Trends Report 2024, the global creation of QR codes has skyrocketed by 238.06% from 2021 to 2023. The report highlights that the United States leads in QR code creation, with a 248% surge in 2022 alone. Other countries like Canada, Australia, and the UK are also seeing significant growth in QR code adoption.

QR Code Usage by Business Size

Small businesses are leading the QR code revolution, accounting for 38% of all QR codes created in 2023. This trend is driven by the need for cost-effective and efficient ways to engage with customers. Mid-size and large businesses are also increasingly adopting QR codes, with a projected 30% increase in usage by 2025.

Future Outlook for QR Codes

The future of QR codes looks promising, with a projected 70% overall growth in QR code generation between 2023 and 2027. This growth is fueled by the increasing reliance on mobile devices and the expansion of 5G connectivity, which will enable more advanced and interactive QR code applications.

There are various types of QR codes, each serving different purposes. However, due to the limitations of available data, it's challenging to pinpoint the most commonly used QR codes based on statistics. The popularity of QR code usage varies by region, industry, and the specific use case.

Some popular types of QR codes include:

  1. Dynamic URL QR Codes: These QR codes direct users to a specific webpage when scanned. They are widely used for marketing, product information, and promotions.
  2. vCard QR Codes: vCard QR codes store contact information, allowing users to easily add new contacts to their phones when scanned. These are often used on business cards, event badges, and networking events.
  3. SMS QR Codes: When scanned, these QR codes open the user's messaging app with a pre-filled text message and recipient number, streamlining the communication process.
  4. Email QR Codes Generators: Similar to SMS QR codes, email QR codes open the user's email client with a pre-filled subject and recipient address, making it easier to send emails to a specific contact or address.
  5. Wi-Fi QR Codes: These QR codes contain Wi-Fi network credentials, enabling users to connect to a Wi-Fi network without entering a password manually.
  6. Event QR Codes: These QR codes store event details such as date, time, and location, allowing users to add events to their calendars when scanned.
  7. App Store QR Codes: These QR codes direct users to download a specific app from the App Store or Google Play Store when scanned.

Although it's difficult to determine the most commonly used QR code type based on statistics, URL QR codes are arguably among the most frequently used due to their versatility across industries and use cases. QR code usage has seen a significant increase since the COVID-19 pandemic, as businesses adopt contactless solutions for information sharing, marketing, payments, and more.

Certainly! Here are the FAQs rewritten with more detailed information:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are QR Codes still relevant in 2024?
Yes, QR codes are not only still relevant in 2024, but their usage is also expanding rapidly across various industries. According to Uniqode's QR Code Trends Report, the growth rate of QR code usage has increased by 43.20% from 2022. This surge is driven by the need for contactless solutions, the versatility of QR codes in different applications, and the increasing reliance on mobile devices. Industries such as retail, healthcare, education, and real estate are leveraging QR codes for enhanced customer engagement, streamlined operations, and improved user experiences.

What are some QR Code alternatives?
While QR codes are widely popular, there are several alternatives that businesses can consider:

  • NFC (Near Field Communication): NFC allows for wireless communication between devices when they are in close proximity. It is commonly used for contactless payments and access control.
  • Barcodes: Traditional barcodes are still used for inventory management and retail. They are less versatile than QR codes but are effective for specific use cases.
  • RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): RFID tags are used for tracking and identifying objects using radio waves. They are commonly used in logistics and supply chain management.
    Despite these alternatives, QR codes remain the preferred choice for many businesses due to their ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and diverse applications.

What percentage of people scan QR Codes?
The adoption of QR codes has seen a significant increase globally. In 2021, QR code scans reached an impressive scale, with 30 million scans recorded across 50 countries. This represents a year-on-year growth of 57%, reflecting the increasing trend of people engaging with QR codes for various purposes such as accessing information, making payments, and interacting with marketing materials. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this trend, as businesses and consumers seek contactless solutions for safety and convenience.

What percentage of Americans use QR Codes?
In the United States, the use of QR codes has grown substantially. In 2021, the US led global QR code scans with 25 million scans. By 2022, this number surged to 38 million, representing a massive 74.78% share of total scans among the top 50 countries. This indicates that a significant percentage of Americans are actively using QR codes for various activities, including shopping, dining, and accessing digital content. The widespread adoption of smartphones and the increasing familiarity with QR code technology have contributed to this growth.

How are QR codes being used in the restaurant industry?
The restaurant industry has embraced QR codes as a means to provide contactless menus and ordering systems. According to a Toast survey, 56% of US restaurant owners and managers use QR codes for digital menus and ordering. This trend has been driven by the need for social distancing and hygiene measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. QR codes allow customers to view menus, place orders, and make payments using their smartphones, reducing physical contact and enhancing the dining experience. Even as the pandemic subsides, the convenience and efficiency of QR codes are likely to ensure their continued use in the restaurant industry.

What is the growth rate of QR code usage globally?
The global usage of QR codes has been growing at an impressive rate. Statista predicts that the number of QR code coupon redemptions will surpass 11 billion by 2022, indicating significant growth in consumer adoption. This trend is expected to continue, with QR codes being used for a wide range of applications, including marketing, payments, information sharing, and authentication. The versatility and ease of use of QR codes make them an attractive option for businesses looking to engage with tech-savvy consumers.

How much are QR code-based transactions expected to be worth by 2025?
QR code-based transactions are projected to be worth over $2.7 trillion by 2025, according to a report by Juniper Research. This growth is driven by the increasing preference for contactless payment methods, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mobile payment services like Apple Pay and Google Pay have integrated QR codes for quick and secure transactions, making it easier for consumers to make payments without physical contact. The convenience and security of QR code payments are expected to drive further adoption in the coming years.

What proportion of smartphone users have downloaded a QR code scanning app?
A survey conducted by Deloitte found that 70% of smartphone users have downloaded a QR code scanning app. This high adoption rate ensures widespread accessibility for QR code technology, making it easier for businesses to engage with their target audience. The integration of QR code scanning capabilities into smartphone cameras and popular apps like Snapchat and Instagram has further simplified the process, encouraging more users to interact with QR codes.

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